Damp, dry rot, pests in London

Please mention the About London website if you contact these businesses.

Damp & Dry rot

Abbey Woodcare114 St. John's Hill, SW11020 7228 7070
Specialists in timber preservation, rising damp control, woodworm, dry & wet Rot. Member of the BWPDA.

Pest control

Albany Environmental Services189 Wardour St, W1020 7287 8845
From residential pest control, to risk-analysis and riddance/prevention programs to office buildings, restaurants, hotels.
Pestbusters (Midlands) Ltd60 Windsor Avenue, SW19020 8226 4012
Providing pest control service throughout London and the Home Counties.
Shield Pest Control10 Ewhurst Rd, SE4020 8690 4481
Control of rodents (including sewer lifting), insects, birds (including clearance of roof voids), and weeds.

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