Libraries in London

Please mention the About London website if you contact these businesses.

Barbican LibraryBarbican Centre, Silk St, EC20207 638 0569
The largest of the City's lending libraries: books, speech recordings, videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs, music CDs and music scores.
Brixton Central LibraryBrixton Oval, SW20207 926 1056
Loans, reference and information service, free computer use for Internet, email and word-processing, & computer training.
Ealing Central Library.Ealing Broadway Centre, 103 The Broadway, W50208 567 3670
Ealing's main library, with a reference and local history library, and computer learning centre.
Kensington Central LibraryPhillimore Walk, W80207 361 3010
Also 5 other branch libraries in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
Southwark LibrariesEnvironment and Leisure, 15 Spa Rd, SE160207 525 3719
Contact address for all the Southwark libraries.
The London Library14 St James's Sq, SW10207 930 7705
Largest independent lending library in the world. Founded by Thomas Carlyle in 1841. Subscription membership open to all.

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