Hair in London

Please mention the About London website if you contact these businesses.

Ladies hairdressers

ColourNation Hairdressers53 Endell St, WC2020 7836 8883
ColourNation London Hairdressers specialise in hair colour, hair straightening, hair extensions.

Unisex hairdressers

Fantastic RUSH Hairdressers26 Kensington Church St, W8020 7112 1714
Now professional hairdressing is closer to you than ever with great services from RUSH hairdressers, Kensington.
Georgiou's Hairdressers149 Dulwich Rd, SE24020 7737 3626
Wash, cut and blow dry for men and women. Open Mon - Sat. Appointments available Mon-Fri only. Ladies day every Friday.


London WigsUnit 107, 156 Blackfriars Rd, SE1020 7721 7095
Handmade wigs for replacement of lost hair. Made to measure wigs, toupees, hair pieces and extensions, medical wigs.

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