Colleges in London

Please mention the About London website if you contact these businesses.

Colleges and universitiesFurther education institutions

American InterContinental University110 Marylebone High St, W1020 7467 5640
At AIU London, we believe the best way to help prepare you for your chosen field is to provide you with an education.
Birkbeck, University of LondonMalet St, WC10207 631 6000
Part-time foundation degrees, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Evening study. Full-time postgraduate programmes.
King's College LondonStrand, WC20207 836 5454
One of the oldest and largest colleges of the University of London.
Thames Valley UniversitySt Mary's Rd, W50208 579 5000
One of the largest institutes in Europe, with 45,000 students, and three campuses at Ealing, Slough and Reading.
UK SChools,Colleges & Universities89 Bruce Grove, N1707947 249 095
List of schools, colleges & universities.

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