Car and van hire in London

Self-drive car and van hire, and chauffeured hire cars, vehicle leasing and contract hire. For taxis see Taxis.

Please mention the About London website if you contact these businesses.

Self-drive car hire

1Car182 Caledonian Rd, N10845 124 9931
Rental cars, vans and people carriers. Also short term leasing and contract hire. Branches across London and the UK.
Avis8 Balderton St, W10870 153 9104
Car hire throughout the UK.
Estuary Properties (UK) LtdDalton House, 60 Windsor Avenue, SW190845 082 0594
Reliable Motorhome Hire. Luxury vehicles available 24/7 365. Contact us for prices!

Chauffeur car hire

Capital One ChauffeursSuite 8, Highway Business Park, Heckford St, E1020 7790 9300
Chauffeur hire services in London.
The Heritage Chauffeur Company20 Portland St, SE17020 7701 8844
Chauffeur driven cars, MPVs, VIP vehicles and minibuses from a fleet of over 100 prestigious vehicles.

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