Books in London

Please mention the About London website if you contact these businesses.

Book sellers

Blackwell's100 Charing Cross Rd, WC20207 292 5100
Specialising in academic books, but with a wide range of general interest and professional books as well. Open daily.
Foyles113-119 Charing Cross Rd, WC20207 437 5660
Five floors of books, art gallery, caf?, and Jazz shop. Also a branch at the Royal Festival Hall, open til 10pm nightly.
London Review Bookshop14 Bury Place, WC10207 269 9030
Serious books, and frequent talks and readings. Open 7 days a week.

Second hand books

Any Amount Of Books56 Charing Cross Rd, WC20207 836 3697
Rare books, first editions, leather bound sets, modern literature, art, poetry, academic books and general stock.
Oxfam Bookshop12 Bloomsbury St, WC1020 7637 4610
We are Oxfam?s flagship secondhand bookshop in London and we stock upwards of 12,000 books on a wide-range of subjects
including fiction, non-fiction, social sciences, art and cookery.
We also stock Kath Tate and Oxfam greetings cards and stationery.
Proceeds to help the world's poorest people.
10.00am ? 6.00pm Mon - Sat, 12.00pm ? 5.00 Sunday.
Book donations of any size are welcome.
See our website

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