Accountants in London

Please mention the About London website if you contact these businesses.


Jeffreys Henry LLPFinsgate, 5-7 Cranwood St, EC1020 7309 2222
Firm of chartered accountants in London - tax specialists and tax advice - registered auditors.
Linn Maggs Goldwin2-4 Great Eastern St, EC2020 7247 8477
Chartered accountants, registered auditors and tax advisors, in Shoreditch near to the City of London.

Accounting servicesBook-keeping, VAT, payroll

Kinsella Tax InvestigationsHamilton House, Mabledon Place, WC10800 999 9980
Specialists in dealing with HMRC tax investigations.
London Financial AcademyLondon Metropolitan University, 84 Moorgate, EC20207 320 1430
For finance professionals to increase their practical knowledge and skills through short courses & lectures.


Harris Lipman2 Mountview Court, 310 Friern Barnet Lane, N20020 8446 9000
Chartered Accountants and Insolvency Practitioners. Offices in London, Cardiff, Reading and St. Albans.

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